December 02, 2010

Gimmee, Gimmee (BTP Prompt)

The Prompt this week over at Big Tent Poetry was "ENOUGH".  Very thought-provoking, I wish I had the time to turn all my ideas for this into poetry...

Those screaming needs
and hard demands,
swarm around like angry bees,
and buzz within my addled brain,
as sharp, relentless stings enforce
their painful, bloody victories.

Meanwhile, my gentle wants,
my small attempts
to carve a piece,
a sliver of that precious self,
must fall away like dying leaves.

Crushed beneath commitment's boot,
as slowly I forget to dream,
and accede to others appetites,
while I grow smaller every day,
from losing self to selflessness.
Of strength, I'll never have enough.


  1. A skilful and interesting poem. Of time, there is never enough for all we want to do. The picture is great, too.

  2. Such an apt description of too many commitments and not enough time.

  3. Cynthia,
    I love this and this line:
    "from losing self to selflessness"

  4. Surely, there comes a time...Nicely penned!

  5. I think one of the best days of my life was when someone sat me down and explained that selfishness is a virtue. A very necessary one that saves lives as well as sanity. Like the photo and your metaphor that builds on it. Like your poem because it reminded me of many things, and one very important one,


  6. You are probably familiar with the book "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein. So many people think this is a wonderful book, but to me it is a sad book. If a person (or tree) gives all away, he/she/ it has nothing. I agree with Elizabeth about selfishness being a virtue (at times). A person has to protect him/herself or he /she is no use to anyone else either, imho.

  7. Carve a piece. I love the weight of that idea. (Keep going on this "enough" idea!)

  8. nicely done Cynthia.....thanks for sharing your words

  9. The tension between needs and dreams. Very strong poem!

  10. oh! but the crushed leaves are compost for something. :)

  11. Yes, you have perfectly expressed these times when we feel plucked by everyone, not enough time for anything, least of all ourselves, and what a photo to accompany your weighted poem! On your to-do list block in a couple of hours and write, 'me.'

  12. Take care of yourself first in order to take care of others.
    Sisters in spirit. xoxo

  13. Beautiful poem... I especially like the last two lines.

  14. There is so much wisdom in this. It all gets down to balance. If we give ourselves away we have nothing left to give. As a nurse, that's been a hard lesson to learn.

  15. I love especially the second lovely stanza.

  16. I was really struck by the line: "while I grow smaller every day". It is so hard to find balance between needs and outside demands, especially this time of year!

  17. "Crushed beneath commitment's boot"


  18. sad poem of being/feeling drained.


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