September 06, 2009

This Can't Be Healthy!

I’m melting…melting…
The Wicked Witch of the West
has nothing on me.
Sweat pours off every inch,
stinging my eyes, rivulets
pooling into every nook and cranny,
soaking my clothes.
What was I thinking?
A desert rat hiking today,
slogging through half-set gelatin,
warm, thick and slimy.
Humidity rising up
in steamy vents from the
damp desert sand.
I plug along grumbling, while
quail, the only other creature
stupid enough to be out in this mess
laughs, calling me “Koo koo”.
The last push uphill to home,
dreaming of a long cool shower
and a tall iced tea.
(I’d rather have stoli straight
from the freezer…)


  1. And I bet when you walked in the door you headed straight for the freezer
    'Mad dogs and englishmun go out in the midday sun' tra-la!

  2. Hi Cynthia,

    I felt uncomfortable just reading! "slogging through half-set gelatin" is SO descriptive. And the Stoli will only make you lightheaded!
